Washburn's World

My take on the world. My wife often refers to this as the WWW (Weird World of Washburn)

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Location: Germantown, Wisconsin, United States

I am a simple country boy transplanted from the Piehl Township in northern Wisconsin to the Milwaukee metropolitan area who came down "sout" in 1980 for college and have stayed in the area since.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

AccuPoll to be in Madison Friday

A DRE touch screen by AccuPoll is to be demonstrated in Madison this Friday. I would encourage any election integrity advocates/activists to attend. The election integrity crowd is severely under-represented at these demonstrations.

The claim by AccuPoll to be open-sourced is unsupported by any documentation. There is no SourceForge, CSV, RCS or other source-code repository to be found. Given this, I am skeptical of any other claim made by the company. If a company will lie about it Unique Selling Proposition is is capable of lying about anything.

As has been made clear by the SEB staff AccuPoll has NOT applied for state certification. Thus, none of the statutes of chapter 5 nor any of the regulations of ElBd7 need to be complied with at this time. This open meeting is just a meet and greet / dog and pony show by AccuPoll of their wares to prospective interested parties.


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